'' Documentary study: Sewing – Light/ Dark - Documentary study: Locating- Stains - etc. | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Documentary study: Sewing – Light/ Dark - Documentary study: Locating- Stains - etc.

RepéRages : Plaisirs brodés
Performance type: 
art corporel
les amants d'ORLAN
Bibliographical sources: 
Bernard Blistène, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Caroline Cros, Régis Durand, Eleanor Heartney, Laurent Le Bon, Hans Ulrich Obrist, ORLAN, Vivian Rehberg, Julian Zugazagoitia, ORLAN, Paris, Editions Flammarion, 2004, pp. 26 et 27
Simon Donger and Simon Sheperd (editors), Gianna Bouchard, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Howard Caygill, Simon Donger, Sander L. Gilman, Markus Hallensleben, Jens Hauser, Dominic Johnson, Stéphane Malysse, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Catherine Petitgas, Simon Shepherd, Paul Virilio, and Sarah Wilson, ORLAN, a Hybrid Body of Artworks, London and New York, Routledge, 2010, pp. 49 – 54
Cruz Sanchez Pedro Alberto, De la Villa Rocio, Garelick Rhonda, Serres Michel, Tejeda Isabel, Vu Lan, ORLAN + davidelfin. SUTURE-HYBRIDISATION-RECYCLING, catalogue of the exhibition held at Espacio Artes Visuales, Editions E.A.V., Murcia, Spain, 2008, pp. 14, 121
Homi K. Bhabha, Rhonda K. Garelick, Michel Serres, Isabel Tejeda, Jorge Daniel Veneciano, Paul Virilio, and Lan Vu, Faboulous Harlequin, ORLAN and the patchwork self, edited by the University of Nebraska, 2010, pp. 68-69 Blistène Bernard, Buci-Glucksmann Christine, Guardiola Juan, Guinot Olga, ORLAN, Ramirez Juan Antonio, Zugazagoitia Julian, ORLAN 1964-2001, catalogue of the retrospective at the Centro de Fotografía of the University of Salamanca, Ediciones Artium, Salamanca, Spain, 2002, pp. 28 - 29
Theoretical background: 
Reaction against her mother and traditions revolving around the dowry.

Plaisirs brodés. Étude documentaire n°1. Couture – Clair Obscur

Technique description référence: 
1968, 7 photographies noir et blanc, texte « Réminiscence du discours maternel », textile en cours de broderie, photographie sur panneaux de bois, papier, textile, pièce unique.
68,5 x 344 cm
ORLAN | trace de la performance "Étude documentaire : Couture – Clair / Obscur - Etude documentaire : Repérage - Souillures - etc.", 1967 | © ORLAN - ADAGP, Paris 2012 | courtesy de l'artiste

correspondance entre ORLAN et ses amants

Technique description référence: 
correspondance entre ORLAN et ses amants

chevalet sur lequel est tendu le drap vierge, libre ou souillé

Technique description référence: 
chevalet sur lequel est tendu le drap vierge, libre ou souillé

draps du trousseau, « vierges » de toute performance

Technique description référence: 
draps du trousseau, « vierges » de toute performance

Réminiscence du discours maternel

Technique description référence: 
texte imprimé
ORLAN | Souillures - etc., 1967
ORLAN wears the wedding sheets, provided by her mother, at her lovers’, and ask them to stain, wet, soil the pure sheets. Traces of semen were carefully preserved by first locating them with wash tint, then by stitches sewn using a seamstress device. During the execution of the embroidery, ORLAN is wearing headdress and clothing that parody the traditional image of the housewife, while embroidering with a big black thread and a large needle. Her eyes are closed, or blindfolded; for some performances, eyes are directed to the public, not fixed on the embroidery.