'' Untitled | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now


Daniel Farioli
Daniel Farioli
Daniel Farioli
Theoretical background: 
It is by discovering by chance two of these insects that had ended up on their own in this position that Daniel Farioli thought about artificially provoking this situation to give it to a public. According to him, violence emanates from the insignificant characteristic of these animals, very small, from the mechanic with which they execute each other. This reciprocal cannibalistic gesture immediately refers the observer to his own flesh, and more globally, to the human condition in general. Of course, the elements of the system (easel, frame and caliper rule) are never fortuitous.
Starting date: 
action répétée peut-être une trentaine de fois sur plusieurs années
this part of countryside of approximately 15 hectares constituted Daniel Farioli's studio.
quartier de La Costière
According to Daniel Farioli, undoubtedly the most violent performance he has ever given. Executed many times, maybe around thirty times.

In his spot in nature, Daniel Farioli leads visitors. He brings them in front of his easel, a frame is put on it in which a caliper rule is attached. The caliper rule holds two clutched female praying mantis placed head to tail. Systematically, the two animals conscientiously devour each other.

Daniel Farioli would never watch this scene and very few visitors could hold their gaze onto such a show.