'' Tribute to Beethoven | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Tribute to Beethoven

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Guignol's Band (Frédérik Brandi, Kristof Everart, Marcel Bataillard)
Guignol's Band (Frédérik Brandi, Kristof Everart, Marcel Bataillard)
Guignol's Band (Frédérik Brandi, Kristof Everart, Marcel Bataillard)

Did you know that Austrians are the most cunning people of Europe? They have indeed succeeded in making the rest of the world believe that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German! From this revelation, a great show is born: Letter (of insults) to Elise, Hymn to the orgy, apple, apple, apple, apple (wormy), for voice, guitar, glockenspiel, miniature trumpet, paintings done blind and red wine. Where we understand why Ludwig Van had chosen to be deaf.
