'' Splendor of Nice | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Splendor of Nice

Jean Mas
Jean Mas
Bibliographical sources: 
cité in Performas, 40 ans d'art d'attitude, Alain Amiel, 2010
Jean Mas

On occasion of the release of a book on the splendors of Nice…
The books forced me to gain height to show my own splendor. I had bought a new suit for the occasion.
From the earth toward the sky, from the sky toward the earth: thus both thought and architecture take form in a difficult balance. The plumb line remains linked to every construction of the mind or of matter. It is the rule. Without a plumb line, you’re on the razor’s edge.
The fly cage presented in Espace Giletta and documented in the register of records presents itself as an architecture of thought.
A construction is still a construction and a destruction. We can destroy what was constructed but not what was destroyed. We can only reconstruct. I invite you to an inaugural lecture of the year of the fly cage at 8:30 pm on January 7 at the Faculté de Lettres of Nice, auditorium 60.
Architecture allows one to see farther, thus I am convinced that this book is a physical tool indispensable to our vision.
In a certain way, the fly cage is an architectural sculpture for dwelling place of the mind.
If art makes us look to architecture, it has a different impact, namely that of architecture.
Archi texture is also the possiblility that a work offers to organize a possible artistic overflow, a beyond. For example, those not integrated in the structure or only temporarily so: Christo, Max Charvolen; integrated: Sosno, Rottier, Farhi, Nivèse, Blais...

Jean Mas | photographie de la performance "Splendeur de Nice", 1992 | © Jean Mas | photographie : © DR | courtesy Alain Amiel
Jean Mas | photographie de la performance "Splendeur de Nice", 1992 | © Jean Mas | photographie : © DR | courtesy Alain Amiel
Jean Mas | photographie de la performance "Splendeur de Nice", 1992 | © Jean Mas | photographie : © DR | courtesy Alain Amiel