'' Skirmish | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now


Unequal battle against 680,001 donors
Hervé Courtain
Hervé Courtain
Hervé Courtain
Starting date: 
11 20 2005
5 minutes
20, avenue Stephen Liégeard
petite salle d'exposition à l'entrée de la Villa Arson

un cutter imaginaire

Technique description référence: 
un cutter imaginaire

quelques miliers de bailleurs

Technique description référence: 
quelques miliers de bailleurs

Galerie Carrée…

The room is covered in wallpaper with portraits of donors in black and white. On the ground, a huge roll with thousands of remaining portraits. Thousands of warriors about to fall asleep after the battle.

The sketch presented in a cubbyhole is very evocative of our relationship with contemporary art and full of subtlety. The hunter wakes up and contemplates his prey...a student obviously bored to death with guarding the exhibition.

I ask the student on duty if I can cut and remove a piece of the roll lying on the ground. I talk to him about the Appropriation-Restitution of the work and about my work as an artist...He does not know what, completely taken aback, he opens his eyes wide to breathe better...He doesn’t know...He asks another student who also doesn’t know...and I perceive a great uneasiness in his eyes and body language...Finally, he suggests that I see the manager...

He opens his eyes even wider when I tell him it is not necessary since I have a box cutter in my bag... I put an end to their suffering by giving up my project.
