'' Show of the Reject Of the Nice Fair | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Show of the Reject Of the Nice Fair

Guignol's Band (Frédérik Brandi, Kristof Everart, Marcel Bataillard)
Guignol's Band (Frédérik Brandi, Kristof Everart, Marcel Bataillard)
Guignol's Band (Frédérik Brandi, Kristof Everart, Marcel Bataillard)

Guignol's band | Salon des refusés de la foire de Nice, 2004

Synopsis / Description: 

Capture vidéo de la performance du groupe Les insupportables / Guignol's band (Marcel Bataillard, Frédérik Brandi, Kristof Everart) au Pôle Universitaire Saint-Jean d'Angély à Nice.

Guignol's band | Salon des refusés de la foire de Nice, 2004
Both infernal machine and ship of fools, the scenic triptych thus offered a mechanic torrent of tinkering live, a domestic tribute to the Merzbau practicing an exhausting collection of the senses (Kristof, on the port side), distilled some perverse citizen information (Fred, straight on) isolating the ballots of the candidates in presence for the second round of the regional elections behind rat traps and sang blindly (Marcel, on the starboard) the praise of Corsican wine in the form of a eulogy to frustration, until the final "Dio vi salve Regina" announcing the ritual sacrifice of a china clown.