'' Lo Milhor Mòceu (The Best Of) | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Lo Milhor Mòceu (The Best Of)

Thierry Lagalla
Thierry Lagalla
Xavier Vaugien
Theoretical background: 

About the idea of the best (piece) and its relation to the absolute, to the work in the work, to glory…


Discussion on the theme, illustrated by the bits chosen in the personal work. The performance ends with a video (see the excerpted image) incarnating the subject, accompanied by this jingle:
With me, as with the chicken, the best part is the oyster.
The fool leaves it, the fool leaves it,
Ah ! the fool just leaves it there.

Image extraite de la vidéo finale <em>Lo Milhor Mòceu</em>
Thierry Lagalla | photographie de la performance "Lo Milhor Mòceu (The Best Of)", 2002 | Image extraite de la vidéo finale Lo Milhor Mòceu | © Thierry Lagalla | photographie : © DR | courtesy de l'artiste