'' Intimate historicism | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Intimate historicism

Éric Duyckaerts
Éric Duyckaerts
Bibliographical sources: 
Historicisme intime, in Rue Descartes, décembre 2010, Presses Universitaires de France
Éric Duyckaerts

See text, written afterwards and published in the review Rue Descartes in December 2001. At this meeting, I publicly presented my Kant video for the first time. I was able to draft the text thanks to the recording provided by the dear Gauthier Tassar: normally I forget everything in the minutes following my lecture-performances. I returned to the text in Théories tentatives by Léo Scheer (2007), correcting some errors made by the first editor.
