'' Intervention on message | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Intervention on message

Jean-Pierre Giovanelli
Jean-Pierre Giovanelli
Jean-Pierre Giovanelli
Starting date: 
au dessus du parking de la Gare d'Autobus

Jean Pierre Giovanelli invited the audience to write a message on the outside of the "Jar Sculpture" (namecheck needed) in Nice.

The participants had at their disposition a table, paper, and pencils. This part of the set-up acted as the emitter. The interior of the place acted as the receiver, all the letters of the alphabet put on paper were transformed into simple geometric shapes (squares, circles) and colored (colors of the rainbow, red, white and black): people translated the text, either literally, word for word, or with a more aesthetic equivalent.

In this way, the semantics of the words disappeared, giving way to more colorful semantics. At the end, a 63-meter band was constructed through this process. Under a bailiff’s supervision, the texts were destroyed and the colored band was declared common property of all participants. Jean-Pierre Giovanelli remained the trustee, but put under the terms of joint ownership, it was nontransferable.
