'' Foot wrestling | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Foot wrestling

Performance type: 
Bruno Mendonça
Bruno Mendonça
Bob Lentz

objets utilisés lors de la performance: micro, sièges, socle

Technique description référence: 
objets utilisés lors de la performance: micro, sièges, socle

vêtements portés par les exécutants et servant à la performance: chaussettes, chaussures

Technique description référence: 
vêtements portés par les exécutants et servant à la performance: chaussettes, chaussures

documents préparatoires: plan, schéma descriptif

Technique description référence: 
documents préparatoires: plan, schéma descriptif

Bob and I come to center stage with two chairs of solid steel where we lay a 120 x 50 x 50 cm stand horizontally on the ground.

Calmly, with care, we each take off our shoes and one sock and place our two (left) legs on the stand, we wrap a microphone with its cable around our legs several times.

We grab our socks, put them around the microphone and secure them there. We engage in a sort of “foot wrestling” equivalent to arm wresting with our left legs. This turns into a stationary struggle to keep the grip on the other, the chairs are manhandled, falling seems likely several times, but never actually happens. This turns into a judo match, but seated, in the occupation of space.

The stand is moved, several times, the game is declared void by a mutual agreement. We untie ourselves, put our socks and shoes back on, and greet the audience.
