'' Anthem | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now


Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux
Charles Dreyfus
Joël Hubaut

vidéo de la performance

Synopsis / Description: 
vidéo de la performance

Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux | Hymne, 1980

Synopsis / Description: 

Capture vidéo de la performance d'Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux à la Galerie des Ponchettes à Nice lors de la soirée performances organisée par la revue Doc(k)s.
© Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux
Courtesy Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain (MAMAC) de Nice.
Numérisation réalisée par la Villa Arson.

Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux | Hymne, 1980
In reaction to the idea of a biennial event selecting artists by nationality, I tried to take the opposing view and do something really French. I would dunk my head into three buckets of paint (blue, white, red) and the stream from my hair used like a sort of paintbrush produced a great dripping on a paper stretched behind me. I’ve forgotten whether there was music. If there was, it was probably the French national anthem!

Later on I used that performance to do a piece called Six – Short – pièces = One – Long - , a performance in New York in Jean Dupuy’s loft, the Grommet Studio. It was the finale: I still had the blue, white, and red for the first dripping in the colors of the French flag. Olga Adorno then posed like the Statue of Liberty with a lighter in her hand, and I ended the performance by changing the colors to red, white, and blue in reference to the American flag.