'' Street wallpaper | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Street wallpaper

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Olivier Garcin
Olivier Garcin
Claude Szürger
Claude Valéry
Didier Goethals
Dominique Rossini
Francis Escoda
Michel André
Michel Crespin
Mario Sabaty

cassette son : débat bilan chez Olivier Garcin « rue des mots passants », avec les voix de Michel André, Michel Crespin, Olivier Garcin, Claude Valéry

Synopsis / Description: 
cassette son : débat bilan chez Olivier Garcin « rue des mots passants », avec les voix de Michel André, Michel Crespin, Olivier Garcin, Claude Valéry

une collection de tracts Garage 103

Technique description référence: 
une collection de tracts Garage 103

cité in <em>Viscères et Abats n°00</em> : compte-rendu de la performance

Technique description référence: 
cité in <em>Viscères et Abats n°00</em> : compte-rendu de la performance

texte collectif Garage 103, tirage ronéo

Technique description référence: 
texte collectif Garage 103, tirage ronéo
21 x 29,7 cmGARCIN

un texte manifeste au feutre noir sur papier kraft marron

Technique description référence: 
un texte manifeste au feutre noir sur papier kraft marron
grand aigleGARCIN
What was happening in Nice? Nothing! Except for the Nice theater of Gabriel Monet and Ben. Reunited, anew and apart. During a naturally stormy reunion (What to do???!!!), it was decided collectively to put into action in a totally primitive way our wish, desire, will to demonstrate force, the collective interest of an artistic production in sync with and in direct relation to the general public (who were coming neither from Monet nor Ben). A simple act (inexpensive, easy to set up; our number on the site will eliminate any “reactionary” opposition) was decided on: unfurl a roll of 500 m white kraft paper along the “Avenue.” As the activity progresses, roll the strip painted by the public into a ball, place people with buckets full of paint and brushes, distribute flyers (format 21¼ x 27 cm) repeating the words “garage 103 Nice,” laugh, converse with the people, recover the ball of paper, end the day by going to the Nice theater “held” by Jean-Pierre Bisson, unroll the fruit of the afternoon’s labor in the lobby, and post a text with the protocol of the action in the middle of this “cultural” public. It was the first street performance by Garage 103. The ball of paper was finally put into a garbage dump around 1980 after having been kept five years on the group’s premises.