'' Limites I, Limites II | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

Limites I, Limites II

Raoul Hébréard
Raoul Hébréard
P. Laroche
A. Pin

Limites II

Raoul Hébréard
Synopsis / Description: 
vidéo de l'action

Textes imprimés et affiche

Technique description référence: 
Textes imprimés et affiche

textes et dessins préparatoires

Technique description référence: 
textes et dessins préparatoires
Outside: LIMITES I, 30 minutes

The performance took place on a site defined by a cement floor on which I had an assistant lie down dressed in coveralls and a white mask and covered with a nylon tarp. The performance consisted in spray painting color around the edges of the anonymous body, cutting out the tarp, repositioning the cutout farther away, and painting around its edges in black. A TV monitor was positioned over the outline and merely broadcast scrambled images. The end of the performance was an installation in which we had the negative and positive of a human form. Throughout the performance, a narrator read a text that was an accumulation of words.

Inside: LIMITES II, 30 minutes

The performance was given in a closed room and was broadcast in the exhibit room by three TV monitors. I pushed the limits of resistance to pain that echoed the preceding performance on the body and its absence. I was in a room with two assistants. The first one captured the action on video and the second one directed the action. I was stretched out on the floor, surrounded by white waxed canvas, on which sat 4 electric light bulbs covered in Calandrite (tarred canvas). The action consisted in passing the light bulbs through the Calandrite through heat alone, and I had to resist it. The video images and the distorted sound were broadcast in the exhibit room. At the end, the signal was cut and the assistant opened the “chrysalis” of melted tar and waxed canvas. I showed the carapace as part of the exhibit.