'' I’ll Bring You Back | A history of performance art on the Riviera from 1951 until now

I’ll Bring You Back

Charles Pennequin
Charles Pennequin
Starting date: 
11 26 2010
Joseph Mouton
Grand amphithéâtre de la Villa Arson
Invited by Joseph Mouton, Charles Pennequin gives a reading on November 26, 2010 of his sound poem J’te ramène (excerpted from the book Dedans) in the large amphitheater of the Villa Arson. A table is set on the stage. But the artist isn’t there. Nevertheless, his voice is suddenly heard in the wings of the amphitheater. It echoes those of two students—also hiding in the wings—like a dialog coming from nowhere. Their voices gradually come together. Then the artist appears in the room with a megaphone. The students’ voices disappear. He reads one of his texts while walking around the viewer-listeners. He strolls like this for a view minutes. His voice is strong and powerful. It resonates. The text seems to expand in space. Then he sits, puts down his megaphone, and calmly finishes reading. The performance is part of an exhibit at the Villa Arson called HIC that treats the theme of locality; it is for the AUTOUR (‘AROUND’) segment proposed by Joseph Mouton.